Inks of Dissent – Tales from Iran

Artbook by ILL

Discover the world of Iranian stencil street art in “INKS OF DISSENT”. Join the author in thrilling police chase stories and explore the vibrant tales behind urban art. From hidden alleys to public spaces, the book is a journey into creativity, resilience, and the evolving language of street art in Iran.

Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
ISBN: 978-87-7620-075-6

Über den Künstler

ILL is a street artist from Iran. Born and raised in the city of Tabriz he has been active since 2012 painting the walls with his meaningful stencils in cities all over his homeland Iran. His pointed paintings are mostly dealing with the political situation in Iran with subjects such as censorship, human rights and lack of freedom of speech. Or focussing the imbalance of globalized society with his figurative stencil art.

Being arrested several times for painting in the streets of Iran he decided to leave the country and moved to Istanbul, Turkey where he continued to work on his art. ILL currently lives and works in the city of Izmir, Turkey.

Alle Kunstwerke von ILL

Unikate und limitierte Editionen, signierte Prints und Leinwände aus den Bereichen Street Art, Urban Art und Graffiti: Die URBANSHIT GALLERY ist eine Online-Galerie für Kunst an der Schnittstelle von Urban Art und zeitgenössischer Kunst. Im Fokus stehen internationale Künstler mit Wurzeln in Graffiti und Street Art.