Dave the Chimp – Ripe

Größe: 18 x 24 x 2 cm inkl. Rahmen mit Passpartout / Kunstwerk: 15 x 21 cm
Medium: Mixed Media, Acryl, Tinte, Risographie auf Zeichenpapier
Rahmen: Gerahmt im schwarzem Holzrahmen mit Echtglas
: 2024

Signiert vom Künstler auf der Vorderseite

Über den Künstler: Dave the Chimp, Berlin-based Brit, rides skateboards, draws comics, paints on walls, makes fanzines, and has exhibited in galleries across the globe. He is currently creating video games and fighting for the Basic Income.

 135,00 inkl. MwSt.

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Street Art, Urban Art and Graffiti – Buy unique artworks, signed Prints and limited Editions from international street artists. The URBANSHIT GALLERY is a gallery for Art at the interface between Urban and Contemporary Art. The focus is laid on international artists with a foundation in graffiti and Street Art.