
Größe: 16,5 x 20 x 3,5 cm
Medium: Mixed Media Wandminiatur

Handsigniert vom Künstlerduo auf der Rückseite.

Jedes Kunstwerk wird mit einem Echtheitszertifikat geliefert, welches vom Künstler und Galeristen unterschrieben ist. Das Zertifikat bestätigt die Echtheit des Werkes. Zusätzlich gibt es zu jeder Bestellung ein Paar Baumwollhandschuhe dazu.

Das Künstlerduo: Das Hamburger Künstlerduo, bestehend aus Marcus und Liam Tanzen, schafft mit seinen Arbeiten beeindruckende Wandminiaturen als Abbild urbaner Realitäten, die jedoch der vollen Fiktion entspringen. Bis ins letzte Detail ausgearbeitete Miniatur-Skulpturen in Form von urbanen Hauswänden und Stadtkulissen sind ihr Markenzeichen.

About the artist duo

The Hamburg artist duo, consisting of Marcus and Liam Tanzen, create impressive wall miniatures with their works as a reflection of urban realities. Miniature sculptures worked out to the last detail in the form of house walls and cityscapes are her trademark.

“An attempt to authentically transfer graffiti into the gallery context while preserving the street atmosphere.”

Marcus und Liam Tanzen

The two artists produce the “Small Vandalism” series together. The two, father and son, work according to a division of labor: Marcus Tanzen, a full-time architect, builds relief-like facade models in the smallest of parts; Liam Tanzen, Illustrator, plays with the wall miniatures Graffiti and street art elements. The “Small Vandalism” series creates a small, fictional world. All places, but also all tags and crew names are not to be found in real life, but they often quote literature or rap, to create an authentic cosmos that could take place anywhere, but never does.

The father-son duo creates small-scale and detailed works instead of architectural high-gloss models and graphic drawings. “Small Vandalism” attempts to transfer graffiti in an authentic way into the context of the gallery while preserving the street atmosphere.

All Artworks by Marcus and Liam Tanzen

Street Art, Urban Art and Graffiti – Buy unique artworks, signed Prints and limited Editions from international street artists. The URBANSHIT GALLERY is a gallery for Art at the interface between Urban and Contemporary Art. The focus is laid on international artists with a foundation in graffiti and Street Art.