
Visit us in our gallery in Hamburg. The gallery is centrally located in the middle of the urban district Ottensen. In addition to changing exhibitions on more than 90 square meters, all online Urban Art artworks can be viewed on request. Available are permanently more than 1,000 works of over 50 artists from around the world. We look forward to your visit in Hamburg.

Opening Hours

The gallery space is open every
Wednesday from 3-6 pm
and Saturday 11-3 pm
and on personal request

How to reach us

Piependreiherweg 6
22765 Hamburg

Tel. +49 (0)40 67555909

5 minutes walk from Altona train station

URBANSHIT GALLERY – Street Art. Urban Art. Graffiti. Urban Contemporary. Fine Art. Since 2014.

Any questions? Just call our Gallery in Hamburg Tel. +49 (0)40 67555909 or send us an email hello@urbanshit-gallery.com

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