Party is over
Original KunstwerkGröße: 40 x 40 cm
Medium: Acryl auf Leinwand
Jahr: 2022
Handsigniert von der Künstlerin auf der Rückseite
Über die Künstlerin: Caro Pepe is an Argentinian artist and muralist based in Berlin. Her body of art is an exploration of the inner world and the complex nature of emotions. Through her distinctive „one eyed“ women she underlines the concept of partiality: how and what an individual chooses to see defines his/her perception of reality.
Hinweis für internationale Kunstkäufer: Bei Lieferungen außerhalb der EU wird eine zusätzliche Gebühr für die Zollabwicklung in Höhe von 150 Euro erhoben, die wir gesondert in Rechnung stellen.
€ 1.100,00 inkl. MwSt.
1 vorrätig
Über die Künstlerin
Caro Pepe is an argentinian artist / muralist based in Berlin. After several years working in advertising as an art director, in both Buenos Aires and Madrid, she decided, it was time to work on her art full time. With that decision in mind, she picked up and moved to Berlin in 2012.
Berlin was the kick start of her career, since then she has travelled the world painting on the streets and exhibiting in several cities through out Europe, South America, USA and Asia. Her body of art is an exploration of the inner world and the complex nature of emotions. Through her distinctive “one eyed” women she underlines the concept of partiality: how and what an individual chooses to see defines his/her perception of reality. Her delicate characters carry a subtle symbolism and are, most of the times, suspended in the absence of backgrounds and time, helping to portrait the depth of an emotion towards that constructed reality. Her work is framed around intimacy, it’s a whispered truth.
All pictures by courtesy of the artist
Alle Kunstwerke von Caro Pepe
Angel Caller€ 110,00 inkl. MwSt.
Leftovers of a Superhero II€ 350,00 inkl. MwSt.
Diversionary Maneuvers€ 100,00 inkl. MwSt.
The Last Optimist on Earth€ 110,00 inkl. MwSt.
Left Overs of a Superhero€ 1.800,00 inkl. MwSt.
Party is over€ 1.100,00 inkl. MwSt.
Unikate und limitierte Editionen, signierte Prints und Leinwände aus den Bereichen Street Art, Urban Art und Graffiti: Die URBANSHIT GALLERY ist eine Online-Galerie für Kunst an der Schnittstelle von Urban Art und zeitgenössischer Kunst. Im Fokus stehen internationale Künstler mit Wurzeln in Graffiti und Street Art.